
Clearance Technician (Initial/Refresher)

Taught by Lead Experts. Register at This an 8-hour Lead Clearance Technician training course required by the Ohio Department [...]


Clearance Technician (Initial/Refresher)

Taught by Lead Experts. Register at This an 8-hour Lead Clearance Technician training course required by the Ohio Department [...]


Lead Workforce Development Committee


Part of the Toledo Lead Poisoning Prevention Coalition, this group is dedicated to developing the lead workforce of inspectors and contractors needed to make Toledo lead-safe, and providing support and infrastructure to help that workforce be successful. To join, email [email protected]

Lead-Safe Owner Advisory Committee


The owner advisory committee meets with the City of Toledo's Lead-Safe Coordinator to discuss new opportunities and challenges to getting properties certified as lead-safe under Toledo's Lead Ordinance. To get involved, email the Lead-Safe Coordinator at [email protected]

Clearance Technician (Initial/Refresher)

Taught by Lead Experts. Register at This an 8-hour Lead Clearance Technician training course required by the Ohio Department [...]

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